Facebook has long been the go-to social network for marketers, and with good reason. Say what you will, its reach is still the most extensive, despite its latest changes. Here are some Facebook statistics to prepare you for 2015.
Demographics & Usage Data
1.35 Billion Monthly Active Users
As of October 2014, there are over 1.35 billion monthly active users (MAUs) on Facebook. This represents a 14% year over year increase.
Daily Active Users (DAUs) Stand at 864 Million
This represents a year-to-year increase of over 19%. This means that most of the users on Facebook are active and growing, making the social network platform impossible to ignore for your marketing efforts.
4.5 Billion ‘Likes’ Daily
Every single day, there are 4.5 billion ‘Likes’ generated on Facebook. This data, from May 2013, represents a 67% increase from August 2012.
Age 25 to 34, at 29.7% of users, is the most common age demographic. (Source:Emarketer 2012) What this means for you: This is the prime target demographic for many businesses’ marketing efforts, and you have the change to engage these key consumers on Facebook.
176% Increase in MAUs Assessing Facebook via Only Mobile
The graph below from Facebook’s earnings call shows that the number of monthly active users (MAUs) accessing Facebook via only their mobile devices now number at 456 million. This is a whopping 179% increase from the previous year, highlighting the rapid shift to the mobile Internet.
3 Million Teens Left Facebook in the Last 3 Year (U.S.)
According to iStrategyLabs’ 2014 Facebook Demographic Report, 3 million teens aged 13 to 17 years old left Facebook over the last 3 years. Furthermore, 3.4 million users aged between 18 and 24 left the network.
Facebook also seemed to have lost some of its prestige among US teens at least, as Instagram was reported as ‘Most Important’. Whether a similar sentiment exists among Malaysian teens remains unknown as we’re unaware of any formal research being done in this regard. Anecdotal evidence seems to suggest the same though.
10.8 Million New Users in the 25 to 34 Demographic (U.S.)
This is an important statistic for marketers as this demographic is among the most commonly targeted.
Highest User Growth among Adults Over 55 (U.S.)
In what could be the main reason teens are leaving Facebook in droves, the social network saw its highest user increase among adults over 55. It added 12.4 million new users from this demographic, a staggering 80.4% growth.
Which teen would want their parents liking their friends’ photos?
Half of those Without Facebook Live with Someone who Does
Even if a person doesn’t have a Facebook account, it is quite likely that they live with someone who does. The Pew Research survey found that 52% of non-Facebook users have someone else in their household with a Facebook account. Furthermore, 24% of these non-adopters say that they will look at photos or updates on that person’s accounts.
In Malaysia, Over 81% of Internet Users are Active Facebook Users
If you have ever wondered if Malaysians are equally as active on Facebook, then you should know that out of its 19.2 million Internet users, 15.6 million are active on the popular social network (themalaysianinsider.com).
Malaysians Most Social in the World with 233 Friends
Based on TNS’ survey of 50,000 consumers over 46 countries, the average Malaysian Facebook user has 233 friends. This makes it the country whose Facebook users have the most number of friends. Brazil comes in second at 231 while the Japanese had the least at 12.
Furthermore, Malaysians also spend the most time globally on social networks. They spend an average of 9 hours a week on social networking sites, followed by the Russians at 8.1 hours.
Estimated 67 – 137 Million Accounts are Fake
Click farms and fake accounts are still a major problem on Facebook. Back in February 2014, they estimated that between 5.5% to 11.2% of the accounts are fake.
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Advertising & Marketing on Facebook
Ad Prices Increased by 247%
Facebook ad prices are getting more expensive, as Facebook reports that there has been a 247% increase. Businesses, especially smaller ones, now need to have a better understanding of their target audience in order to generate a better ROI from their advertising.
1.5 million Total Advertisers on Facebook
There are over 1.5 million active advertisers on Facebook. Competition for clicks are high on the social network, and after Facebook new changes that penalize posts that are overly promotional, we expect more publishers to ramp up their advertising spend.
Asians Spending 314% More on Facebook
During their 2014 Q3 earnings call, Facebook revealed that Asian users spent $492 million over the last quarter. This represents a 319% increase from the previous year.
354% Increase in Ad Spend Among Asians
The majority of that increase in revenue seems to come from an increase in advertising spend. Asian countries spend 354% more in Q2 2014 compared to the same period in 2012. This is an effective increase from US$115 million (2012) to US$408 million. Companies in Asia are fast becoming accustomed to spending money on social ads to draw customers in.
42% of Marketers Report that Facebook is Critical to their Business
Facebook is one of the most important inbound marketing channels for the simple fact that almost everyone (and now their mother) has an account. Most marketers know this, with over 42% describing Facebook as critical to their business. You can’t afford not to be on Facebook, because we’re quite certain that most of your competition won’t.
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Engaging on Facebook
Posting 1-2 Times a Day Gets More Engagement than Posting More Frequently
Don’t think that you’ll automatically get more engagement by posting more times a day. Research shows that brands that post just 1-2 times a day get 73% more comments and 32% more likes than those that post 3 or more times.
1-4 Brand Posts / Week Produces 71% Higher Engagement
Another fact to back up the ‘quality over quantity’ argument, brands that post just 1-4 times a week get 71% more user engagement than brands that post more than 5 times a week.
User’s Pet Peeve is Posting Information about Them without Permission
Marketers take note – you should probably get users’ permissions before posting their photos on your Facebook fan page. Pew Research Center’s survey findings suggest that the thing users hate most is other people posting photos or personal information about them without first asking their permission.
Photo Posts Get 39% More Interaction
We’ve always known that Facebook is a visual channel, and a study by Kissmetrics seems to confirm this. Photos get 39% more interaction than text-based, video or link updates. Photo updates generate 53% more likes and 104% more comments than other types of updates.
Self-Explanatory Photos Work Better
Photos that users are able to understand without having to read your status update seem to perform better than photos that require an explanation.
Photo Albums get 180% more Engagement
To get even more mileage out of your Facebook photo updates, consider using photo albums. Wishpond’s data found that albums receive 180% higher engagement.
Shorter Posts Receive Higher Engagement
Kissmetrics also claim that posts with 80 characters or less tend to get 66% more engagement than longer posts. It seems that being succinct pays off on social media.
Facebook Questions Receive More Comments, But Less Likes & Shares
Using questions on Facebook will increase the number of comments you get, but reduce your Likes and Shares. How you phrase your questions is also important, as HubSpot’s research suggests.
Do you know of any other Facebook statistics that should be included in this list? Let us know in the comments below!